

日時:2009年7月10日(金) 19:30~



〒106-0047 東京都港区南麻布2-8-12
電話 0120-86-1026 (03-5441-9800)

問い合わせ先:Dr. Rene Duignan (rene007@rocketmail.com)


Title: “Mental Health in Japan – several focuses –”

Outline: Mental health in Japan shares some common issues with the whole healthcare systems, along with several issues specific to mental health. Having lost more than 30,000 people per year from suicide for eleven years straight, mental health is one of the most urgent issues in cotemporary Japan . This lecture will focus on standardization of psychiatric treatment and its location in the National Health Insurance Plan, sociocultural and political aspects of mental health, and the need for longitudinal view of mental health, eliminating vertically divided administrative functions.

Healthy-Healthcare is a 6-part lecture series to be held on a monthly basis from April. It will focus on the various challenges facing Japanese healthcare. It is jointly organized by the Ireland Japan Chamber of Commerce, the American Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies (ICJS) of Temple University Japan. The first two lectures are fixed (see attachment). Each lecture will be 2 hours at Temple University, Azabu campus on Fridays at 7.30pm. We will have a venue capacity of 120, have very strong interest thus far and we also expect a large media participation. The lectures will be free to participants. The series is running on a zero yen budget simply because we don’t need any budget. The core idea is to create some informed debate on a very important topic by inviting a series of expert speakers.